Sunday, March 15, 2009

Space Shuttle? What about those bagel bites?

I know. I can't believe it either. Mankind can fly to outer space. What an amazing thing to behold. After watching a recent video clip of Louis CK on Conan, I couldn't help thinking about how our society has become to selfish and unaware of the great things that human kind has accomplished. Hope, her friend Katherine, and I went down to the beach to watch this marvel of the modern world and were pleasantly surprised to see hundreds of people out enjoying it too. However, the majority of Americans were sitting in their living rooms watching reruns of the King of Queens (a horrible show). Shameful. Look at that amazing fiery tail and a rocket on it's way to Mars or someplace ridiculously far away where you can just float around. Insanity, right? I guess the point I am trying to make is that we are so under appreciative of the amazing details of which this life is constructed. We become too worried about what TV show we might miss or if traffic is going to be bad or how long the wait at Olive Garden is going to be Friday night. Life becomes sweeter when truly enjoy the little things. Stop to look at how beautiful the Azelia's are right now. Or just feel the spring breeze blow across your face. Life is full or surpises and these are unprecendented times. It's the little things like seeing a space shuttle soar into outer space that make me realize how lucky we are to have this one lifetime to live, and more importantly to love the life we're living.